Macky 2’s manager advises Chanda Na Kay

Macky2‘s manager Shawn Kaystar has advised Chanda Na Kay to get a manager. Speaking on Diamond TV‘s On the Table with Chimweka the entertainment mogul said the duo needs to find a manager who will create a proper management structure for them. He further emphasized that the main reason some artists come on the music scene and disappear is because they don’t have people managing them in the background.
When asked if he could manage them, Shawn Kaystar said he is unable to do but he is available to offer guidance them needed. He pointed out that it is difficult to work with artists who already think they have become superstars. Kaystar mentioned he has worked with Macky2 for over 12 years because of the good relationship the two have built.
He also highlighted about his passion for the about the industry and how he assists a lot of artists with some managerial duties without charging them. Watch full interview below


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