Tiye-P Drops a Studio Session Clip & Macky 2 Compliments Him


HipHop artiste “Tiye-P” aka Mwana Wa Nyirenda last week posted a short video clip of him recording a verse in a Studio. The Video immediately caught the attention of his fans especially HipHop lovers as well as his fellow artists. The video was also viewed by Macky 2 who couldn’t help it but pass his out-most compliments.

This might be an indication that the two Zambian Rap Heavyweights reconciled especially after exchange verbal blows on Social Media. Few weeks ago, Tiye-P threw a subliminal at Macky 2 and other Dunka & Kalindula HipHop artistes who are ever dominating the charts. This was when Tiy-P was endorsing Muzo aka Alphonso’s debut EP called “Massacre“. Macky 2 also decided to respond to the same Instagram post with a long Comment which was more like a Lecture. However, Tiye-P couldn’t Hold it and responded back with more direct jabs.

The duo have been going back and forth on social media with Subliminal a couple of months ago. During another incidence, Tiye-P claimed Macky 2 was trying to hijack his Face Mask swag he recently brought out.

However, the duo are back to shaking Hands and complimenting each other. Macky 2 even went to an extent of reposting Tiye-P‘s studio session clip with “Fire Emojis” caption. You can watch the video below!