Slapdee called Me to Perform But Couldn’t Pay Me -Ruff Kid


Ruff Kid is now more into the music business than the industry. Following his statements during an interview by one of Zambia’s big names in the entertainment industry,who is popularly known as Deejay Showstar. Ruff kid emphasized more on money, through out the interviews.
One of the issues, which where discussed included reasons which led to his refusal  to an invitation he was given from Slap Dee.

He narrated that there was a time his former C.E.O and best friend ,Mwila Musonda popularly known as The King or Slap Dee asked him to perform at one of his functions which was the 1oth anniversary show, and Ruff kid’s first response was “Pali Shinga”
meaning how much is there.
Ruff kid did not mind the long friendship which they had with Slap Dee some time back before conflicts, neither was he shy to ask nor refuse to perform for free after Slapdee asked him to.

It was in this interview that Ruff kid clearly, confirmed that his absence at Slap Dee’s
1oth anniversary function was intentional, because he was not paid,

Could it be that Slap Dee is fond of using other artist’s for free while, himself refuses to
be used for free, worse at a cheaper price.

Listen to Full Interview or Stream below;