VIDEO: FreeM1nd- “Keep Fly” |+MP3


The International Bossman is back with another border breaking banger, KEEP FLY is the first single from FREEM1ND’s upcoming EP R1SE. The video is absolutely breathtaking, shot on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, FREEM1ND takes us on a trip that begins in the depths of the ocean and then proceeds to take us above the clouds, passing through deserts, volcanoes and valleys The visuals are just as powerful as the bass shaking track , the message of the song is inner and outer strength whereas the visuals showcase the beauty of the world and the necessity to protect it.

Starting the new decade in style and truly affirming his place as one of Zambia’s best and most important exports after his massive hit INTERNATIONAL BOSSMAN and his Smokeback directed animated video for KEEP OUT THE DEMONS, the title track of his previous EP. We know what to expect from this artist, great videos and uplifting lyrical content.  Download, Stream and share!