Today in HipHop: Amnesia Turns One Year Old!


Chef 187’s Third Studio album “Amnesia” today Clocks exactly 1 Year of Existence. The Award Winning Album is arguably one of the Best to be released this year and definitely, Chef 187’s Most Impactful and apparently his Most Selling album.

The 18 track album has enjoyed enormous Praise from both Critics and His ever loyal fans. The entire album is full of smash hits with songs like “Mundowe Ndowe”, “Ma Years”, Complicated and HPM1R enjoying airplay across the country.

Despite not being a Complete HipHop album, the Multi-genre masterpiece has a number of Notable real HipHop and Trap Hits such as “Good teacher Bad Kasikuli”, “Product of My Environment”, “Winning”, Intro (Betrayl) etc.