VIDEO: Macky 2-”Lets Talk About it”


Having recently disclosed his battles with depression, Macky 2 has decided to launch a campaign against all forms of stigma associated to ‘men and depression’.

The Kopala Swag Ceo in a social media PSA said ”We have to do a better job of reducing stigma and expanding opportunities for support, men still may be experiencing shame and guilt that could lead to them being less willing to ask for help. A lot of guys don’t want to admit they have this problem. They still see depression as a sign of weakness.”

In a 4 minute video tagged ”Lets talk about it” he further says.. Mental illness is just like diabetes, or any other physical condition.. A lot of people don’t look at it that way. Instead they still see mental health struggles as a personal issue and a lack of personal fortitude. Because of that the stigma still exists surrounding mental illness (not to mention, the pressure on men to always be strong), a lot of men struggle with admitting they may need help. 

Watch video below: