The Kopala Pastor Claims Slapdee Stole Tommy D’s Rap style


Zambian HipHop artiste “The Kopala Pastor” recently featured on The Buzz hosted by Camstar on Sun Fm and during the interview, the rapper issued a number of controversial claims. During the beginning of the Interview, the rapper talked about how people claimed he wont make it with rap but now he is booked every weekend for a show.

The Kopala Pastor also said Sampa The Great is only being talked about because of her song featuring in Black Panther and majority of people don’t even support her music. He also said most people haven’t seen her struggle and just heard her pop up already established and that’s why most people don’t support her music locally.

He later also claimed Slapdee stole his rapping style from Tommy D and modified it. The Kopala Pastor also talked about how down to earth Tommy D is despite meeting his at the climax of his career.