SmaQ to Respond To Bobby East’s Diss Lines on “`I Forgive You”


HipHop artiste “SmaQ” is set to hit back at Bobby East after being name dropped on “I Forgive You”. The record which features Macky 2 has Bobby East sending shots at SmaQ and claiming he got no excuse for earlier beefing with him. Macky 2 also decided to send shots at Muzo aka Alphonso and for the first time respond to his several shots this year on a song.

The beef between SmaQ and Bobby East is believed to have started few years ago when B- East won HipHop album of the year against “Best Before Forever” by “K.R.Y.T.I.C”. This news didn’t sit well with many HipHop heads including Smaq who decided to weigh in their opinions and bash Bobby East’ win. However, the Chunga rapper didn’t take the criticism lightly and decided to send shots to once his close and childhood friend (SmaQ) on “Hard Feelings” by “Mzenga Man”.

The feud continued for years that followed but mainly online until Bobby East dropped his recent album “Vanilla”. On the record called “I Forgive” off the album, the multi-award winning rapper talks about how he cant have rapper friends anymore due to their envy before he could name drop “SmaQ”.

Yo Stash will tell you I forgave everybody that has ever beefed with me mahn but Smaq, that Nigga got no excuse”. He spoke on the record.

Zed Hype Mag reached out to SmaQ’s team and a diss response track has been confirmed to be on the horizon. The song is actually expected to drop around Christmas time which should get many HipHop heads excited.