Roberto scoops another one


Its proof nuff mr Roberto is the only chance we have to cross boarders music wise as there is no wall nor mountain to stop this giant in the music industry.

Earlier today the 5 star general’s  kid brother (Ozzy)  made headlines by pulling a move social media is referring to as the  Stoppila sunzu stunt. few hours ago he is making headlines again and this time around he is scooping another one.

DJ khaled can say it better but truly its another one for Roberto as he is the only one with a number of awards across borders, Roberto won the Pan African Artist of The Year Award   2016 just to make mention, this time around Roberto got an award from Uganda for the best song in southern Africa.

Roberto took to social media to appreciate his fans for voting for him and making it clear how it means to him as an artist.

Apart from copper we can export Roberto.