Pilato Releases a Controversial Politically Charged Song


After taking short music break and investing his energy in Advocating for Economic and Political Justice, Pilato is back with a Politically Charged song. The song is called “Koswe Mumpoto” (Rat in the Pot) and it seems the poet and rap act is going for Politicians.

As he delivers his message subliminally, the rapper talks about the Change of Characters from Cabbage, Nyamasoya to King Cobra and now to “Koswe Mumpoto”. He describes Koswe Mumpoto as a creature who Steals in the House and doesn’t do the work. The Kiss-B Produced song goes hard addressing a lot of issues which ‘’ Koswe Mumpoto” is doing.

Characterized by a Dance-able sound, the new Pilato song also talks about the current CBU issue. He also narrates how Koswe had to Bite “Imbwili”.

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