2 “Jump Off XIV” Artworks For Muzo & Ruff Kid Pop Up



Social Media buzz has since emerged over 2 Tonny Breezy‘s Jump Off XIV artworks as Muzo aka Alphonso and Ruff Kid appear to be featured artists. The 2 artworks show that Both Rappers will be on Jump Off XIV which is unusual since the Sequel only features one rapper at a goal.

Despite not being officially announced by the Jump off Craftman himself “Tonny Breezy“, the artwork for Ruff Kids was shared by the Money King Himself while the Artwork for “Muzo aka Alphonso” was shared by Tonny Breezy‘s Graphic Designer for “Jump Off Sequel“.

Ruff KId Jump Off XIV artwork

Jump Off XIV is expected to be the follow up to “Bombshells Jump Off XIII which is yet to be released. However, the said sequel for Ruff Kid is rumored to be officially out this Month-end.

Muzo aka Alphonso Jump Off XIV artwork

Despite Muzo aka Alphonso releasing his own Jump Off XIII which was trashed by Pioneer “Tony Breezy“, Many fans Hope to See the Kasama Swag Front-liner on the official Sequel.

We are not sure which one is the official artwork and hope “Tonny Breezy” sets the record straight soon!